How to apply

Requirements for application:

Candidates for the doctoral positions in natural science (Dr. rer. nat.) or human biology (Dr. rer. biol. hum.) must hold a M.Sc. degree in immunology, microbiology, cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, molecular medicine, applied mathematics, theoretical physics or in bioinformatics. Enthusiasm for experimental in vitro and in vivo research, self-reliance, ability to work in a team, excellent skills of the English language and an intrinsic motivation for the specific training program of the RTG 2740 are expected.

As the RTG 2740 is based on scientific excellence, important criteria for selection are

1. outstanding achievements in the bachelor and master studies
2. enthusiasm for research in infectious disease immunology and host-pathogen interactions
3. high motivation and commitment to work in a consortium of 15 group leaders and approximately 30 doctoral candidates.

What we offer:

  • 14 positions per cohort for doctoral candidates in natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) or human biology (Dr. rer. biol. hum.) with 2 positions each for projects A7, B2 and B3
  • 4 positions per year for doctoral candidates in medicine
  • Payment according to the German federal pay scale: 65 % of pay group E13 of the Collective Agreement for the Public Service (TV-Länder)
  • Participation in the 3-year training program of the RTG2740, which combines profound, internationally oriented scientific education with an early exposure to important aspects of translational research
  • Leading role in the experimental work of the respective research project
  • A stimulating, collaborative, and international research environment formed by the FAU Profile Center Immunomedicine, various collaborative research consortia, and the Max-Planck-Zentrum für Physik und Medizin
  • Excellent working conditions
  • Continuous supervision and advice by your scientific mentors, including two scientists from outside your group
  • Participation in national and international workshops, symposia, conferences and lab visits


Necessary paperwork be handed in:

Please provide a single PDF file (last name_first name.pdf) consisting of the following documents in English language using the official website of the UKER:

1. Application form (RTG-2740-Application-form_PhD_2024_p), completely filled in
2. Curriculum vitae (including date of birth and portrait photo)
3. Letter of motivation
4. One-page summary each of the bachelor and master thesis
5. Copies of the university entrance exam, Bachelor exam and Master exam
6. Two letters of reference
7. Other credentials and information relevant to the RTG 2740 program


Important dates:

Application deadline: 31 August, 2024

Recruitment-symposium: 1.+2. October, 2024 (Erlangen)

Start of the program: 01 January 2025


Contact for further information:

Dr. Ilka Knippertz (program coordinator)
+49 9131 85-32571